1. 2018 Nelson's pediatric antimicrobial therapy /
Author: John S. Bradley, MD, editor in chief, John D. Nelson, MD, emeritus ; Elizabeth D. Barnett, MD [and five others], contributing editors.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Antibiotics, Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Anti-infective agents, Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Communicable diseases in children-- Chemotherapy, Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Anti-Bacterial Agents-- therapeutic use.,Child.,Drug Therapy.,Infant.,Antibiotics.,Anti-infective agents.,Communicable diseases in children-- Chemotherapy.,MEDICAL-- Drug Guides.,MEDICAL-- Evidence-Based Medicine.,MEDICAL-- Infectious Diseases.,MEDICAL-- Pediatrics.,MEDICAL-- Pharmacology.
Classification :

2. 2021 Nelson's pediatric antimicrobial therapy
Author: / John S. Bradley, editor in chief, John D. Nelson, emeritus ; Elizabeth D. Barnett .... [and six others], contributing editors
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Pediatrics,Anti-Infective Agents,Anti-Bacterial Agents,Communicable Diseases, - therapeutic use , - therapeutic use , - drug therapy

3. Nelson's pediatric antimicrobial therapy, 2012-2013 /
Author: John S. Bradley, John D. Nelson
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Antibacterial agents-- Therapeutic use, Handbooks, manuals, etc,Antibiotics, Handbooks, manuals, etc,Communicable diseases in children-- Chemotherapy, Handbooks, manuals, etc,Anti-Bacterial Agents-- therapeutic use,Child,Drug Therapy,Infant

4. 2014 Nelson's pediatric antimicrobial therapy /
Author: John S. Bradley, MD, editor-in-chief ; John D. Nelson, MD, emeritus
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Antibiotics, Handbooks, manuals, etc,Anti-Bacterial Agents-- therapeutic use,Child,Drug Therapy,Infant

5. 2019 Nelson's pediatric antimicrobial therapy
Author: / editor in chief, John S. Bradley ; emeritus, John D. Nelson ; Elizabeth D. Barnett [and 6 others], contributing editors
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Antibiotics,Drug Therapy, - therapeutic use - handbooks , - Child

6. Nelson's pocket book of pediatric antimicrobial therapy
Author: John D. Nelson, John S. Bradley
Library: Central Library and Information Center of Shahed University (Tehran)
Classification :

7. Nelson's pocket book of pediatric antimicrobial therapy, 2000-2001
Author: / John D. Nelson, John S. Bradley,Nelson, John D., 1930-
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Antibiotics- therapeutic use,Drug Therapy, - handbooks,- in infancy